Here is Colby at four months.
Here he is trying out the Jumparoo. Not crazy about it yet, but Becky sure has fun bouncing him in it!
Hard to believe Colby turned four months old on the 13th. It's just going so fast! He went to the doctor on the 17th for his check-up. He weighed a whopping 17 pounds 4 ounces and was 26 5/8 inches long. The appointment went well. He didn't hardly even cry with the shots. It's refreshing to know that he is right on track and healthy. He has gotten a cold the last couple of days, and I just hate to listen to his congestion. Hopefully it will get better soon with a couple days at home to relax this weekend. At four months, Colby is talking and cooing and laughing all the time. He has started reaching for toys and grasping them. He tries to put everything he can grasp into his mouth. He is very interested in watching us eat food. He really wants to be able to sit up by himself, but can't quite yet. He is a little bit of a mama's boy, only wanting Mommy to hold him when he's tired. I honestly don't mind most of the time. I really enjoy my cuddle time with him, which is probably why he's like that in the first place! He is becoming quite the little man. Can't wait to see what the next month brings!