

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I could give you all the excuses for why I haven't blogged in a month, but does it really matter that our computer got a virus and had to be fixed, that Becky had strep throat, that Colby had a fever and ear infection three days before he got new tubes, that I have been really busy at work and have been busy with transcripts at home?  Nah...they're still excuses.  So I'm just skipping ahead and you get pictures of our nephews when they were in Iowa visiting.  (I probably didn't take many pictures the past few weeks anyway - oh, yeah.  pretty sure I lost my camera for a week or two in there as well.)

So here are Colby and Boone hamming it up on the trampoline.  They were laughing and giggling and running into each other and falling was the cutest thing!

 Then the little boys got to ride on Grandpa's tractor while the big kids were taking a nap!

All four kids trying to pose for a picture.  I like the smiles of Bode and Boone best - and since we don't get to see them that often, that's the one I'm sharing!

Becky and Bode also got a chance to jump on the trampoline.  They have so much fun together!

 Showing off their jumping skills

yes, Brenda and I forced them to take a nice picture with each other, even though by this point they had quite honestly had enough.
It was so nice to get to see the boys (and Brenda) and spend some time with them when they were here visiting.

And just so you know, everyone in our family is healthy again.  Colby had a miserable week right before he got new tubes on the 15th.  An hour after his surgery, he was like a new kid.  He was laughing and playing and just being silly.  Becky was good as new after her medicine started working.  I'm still swamped, but I did get one big transcript out by deadline and now I'm on to the next one.....