Where did June go? Good grief! Whoever told me that the older you get, the faster time goes, was right!
We bought Becky a new bike. Yeah! She hasn't quite mastered it without training wheels, probably because after we got it that first weekend, she hasn't had time to practice because we've been so busy!
We visited a wading pool
Got to spend time with family
My cousins Melissa and Heidi and me.
giraffes at the zoo. They were really that close to us. It was pretty cool.
The whole family ran in the Tortoise Trot one Saturday morning. We did a family fun run mile. You got to run through part of the zoo, so it was pretty cool. We also got to be in the zoo for a couple hours before it opened to the public. It was a fairly cool morning. All of the animals were active. We stood and watched them for quite a while. Colby's favorite was the giraffes. He screamed and cried when we finally left!
And now the zoo has a carousel! So much fun! It costs money, of course, but members get a discount!
Becky petting a cockroach. Gross!
Vacation Bible School program. Becky participated in VBS this year, and I taught again. It was a crazy, busy week, but I really enjoy it. It's especially nice that they do it in the evenings so a working mom like me can be involved in it too.
I pulled out a nightgown I had saved from my childhood - one that Mom made for me. It's really too big for Becky and is constantly falling down, but she loves it and insists on wearing it almost every night.
First trip to Adventureland for the year. Al's work had a day there, so we got to go ride some rides.
Colby loved riding them with Becky, but he cried most of the time when he was by himself. We'll have to go again and let her ride all the rides with him. We were kind of pressed for time. Colby and I didn't get there until 5 or so, and then we had supper. He really only got to enjoy the rides for a couple hours.
Becky "beating" her dad in a horse race so she could win Smurfette. Cause every girl needs at least two!
Becky and I have already been back to Adventureland. I had the last week off work, so we spent an entire day there. I don't know how much longer I can keep up with her! This was her first time riding the Dragon (the upside down roller coaster) and she loved it. We rode it 4 times in a row before I told her we had to ride something else - and then we rode it three more times in a row later in the day! Not to mention the log ride three times, the Tornado I don't even know how many times, and the galleon. She even rode the Inverter (another upside down one). This girl has no fear!
Jumping on the trampoline in Spencer
Colby loved it too.
Dance recital
Becky did a great job this year. I was so proud. She told me she didn't even have to watch the teacher, she just knew what to do!
a little bit of cuddle time
I will try to be better about posting this month - but no promises!