Becky had her Olympics Day on May 24th. I was able to take the day off work and go with her again this year. She had a lot of fun playing games with her friends. It's so fun to watch them!
Here they are playing Freeze Dance. One of their favorites!
Tug of War!
On that Saturday, Becky had a friend come over for the day. It wasn't that nice in Des Moines, but they spent most of the day playing outside together anyway and Colby took a 3 hour nap. The house was clean and everything was done, so Al had time to play some video games and I spent the afternoon making cards. Something I don't get to do very often. I think everyone enjoyed themselves that day!
On Sunday, we headed down to Mt. Ayr to spend some time with Dad and Patti. It may have been raining in Des Moines, but it was gorgeous down there! We spent the afternoon playing outside. I even had to get out sunscreen!
The highlight of the afternoon for the kids was probably chasing the balloons around the yard. So much fun!
Colby did find some animals almost as soon as he got down there, and he wouldn't let them out of his sight. He even found a wagon to pull them around.
Colby showing off his animals.
Posing...and refusing to give me a smile
After our outside time, we headed to Dari Sweet for ice cream. Yum! (one of my favorite things to do in the summer when I go home to visit!) Then we went back to their house and played before the storms began. Luckily it was just tornado warnings and no real activity down there. The kids just played in the basement. They really had no idea there was anything going on.
On Monday, we headed to Tingley to visit my Mom's Mom. She was providing the entertainment at the Tingly Meal Site. Other than the fact that Colby beat the average age by about 70 years....we had a good time visiting with Grandma, and I know she enjoyed showing us off. That's what it's really about. Becky even sang Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes in Chinese. I'm not sure everyone could hear her, but she did a great job. The best part was when we all said the Pledge of Allegiance, and Becky was the loudest one. She did so good, and all the adults around were very impressed that she knew it. Made me so proud!
The kids also got handed flags to wave around during one of the songs. Who doesn't love to wave a flag?