Had a nice, fun weekend in Spencer. It was Becky's first trip to the Clay County Fair. Boy, did she have a good time! She was very good. She crashed pretty hard when we got home from sensory overload, but all in all, she seemed to be having fun watching everything go by. Here are few of the pictures I took. I'm having trouble downloading any more, so I'll send them out on Shutterfly.
Becky is getting tubes on Thursday morning. If there was ever any doubt about whether or not she needed tubes, she definitely confirmed it for me last night when she woke up screaming at 12:30 and would not go back to sleep in her crib. Gave her some of that Tylenol with codeine and brought her to bed with us. Laid her in her crib at 2:30. Good grief! It will be so nice when I know she is only crying because she doesn't want to be in her crib and not becuase her ears hurt. We may have to do a little "tough love" at night to get her to fall asleep on her own again, but at least we'll know she's crying because she wants to be held, not screaming because her ears hurt. That's just too much for us to take! The getting up in the middle of the night off and on all summer long is way overrated too. Hopefully after she gets the tubes put in, it will make our doctor visits almost nil.
Not much else to report. Just trying to recover from our Monday and thinking about going to bed early. I'm still waiting for Shutterfly to download all my pictures from this weekend though, so I'm sure I'll be up a while! :)
good luck with the tubes! it was so hard to hand him over to the nurse and walk away, but it SERIOUSLY only took about 20 minutes from the time I handed him over until the time I got to hold him in recovery. And man was it ever worth it! no more ear infections ever again!! We'll be thinking of you on Thursday!
Good luck tomorrow morning! I agree with everything that Cassie said to you so I will not re-type all of that. Know that our thoughts will be with you tomorrow!
Glad things went well this morning. Al thought one of you may stay home with her today, give her a big hug and kiss for me!
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