I had fun playing with my cousins Kaitlyn and Becca. They sure are fun!!
Just because I like playing peek-a-boo with the box doesn't mean I want to be in it, Dad!
Grandma Donna sure loves to give me baths!
As you can see, it's been a fun couple weeks. We had three weekends of Christmas. It was fun to get to spend so much time with family. Becky is doing really well. She has six teeth now, and is working on her last two on the top. They haven't popped through quite yet, but are real close. She still isn't walking by herself. She is choosing to be pretty stubborn. She holds onto a finger for support, and then just takes off. If you let go of her hand, though, she immediately sits down and crawls. She will walk a couple steps from object to object at day care, but she will hardly even do that for us! We've decided she's just a cautious little girl and are trying not to fret about it too much. I'm sure she'll take off soon enough and then Al and I will wonder why we ever wanted her to walk in the first place!
I will try to be better about posting this year. I sure take enough pictures, I should be able to get them online. So far I've had good luck with the internet too, so that helps. Had to order all my Christmas cards while I was at work because the internet never wanted to work at home. Oh well!
We were having trouble for about a week with giving Becky a bath. It sure isn't fun to give a screaming baby a bath, especially when they're one! That only lasted about a week, and now she is back to liking them again. Have no idea what happened, but am glad she's back to splashing and having a good time.
Remember, if you want to see more pics, I have them published online at aljosjohnson.shutterfly.com. You can always view my albums there if you don't get the pics sent directly to you but want to see what crazy pics I've taken of Becky!
After a week with Brigg, Lani, Tate and Macy, I am having serious Becky withdrawl! I did forget to swing by WalMart and pick up some new Buc gear for her while we were in FL, guess I'll just have to go back! Maybe we'll see you guys this weekend.
Thanks for the comments on my blog. Nope we didn't win the lottery and it was actually more like $800,000. I wish we would have won. That's exciting about Becky walking so much. I'm sure by the time all of us get together again we will spend most of the time chasing little ones around :)
I remember those days with Hannah, on the verge of walking!! Wes always wanted her to walk before I did!! I didn't want my baby to grow up!! One is a very busy age. Two is even worse but for me, three has been the best!!!
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