

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Such a good helper!

Nothing like a little help from a toddler to make you had kind of been a crazy day, running here...running there. Becky and I ran errands after work: picked up our taxes to be signed, stopped by the grocery store. She was good in the store, but getting hungry and impatient. There were way too many people there and too many distractions. Anyway, was feeling frustrated when I got home. Becky was starting to cry because she was hungry. Al took her so I could carry in the groceries. He was struggling to get her something to eat because she was standing at her booster seat making her "I want up to eat" noise. (I don't know how to blog the noise she makes, but I'm sure you can all relate! kind of a cross between a whine and a growl.) I open up the fridge to start putting things away. I put one thing in the fridge. I turn around, and Becky is squatting down by the grocery sack. She takes the yogurt out of the bag and hands it to me! She did that with everything in that bag and one more. What a big help she was being! Sure made me smile and just wanted to share!


Big Hawkeye Fans! said...

How cute! It is crazy how kids can do things that just make your heart melt at the time when you need it the most. They can sense those things. Thanks for sharing! Steph and Adam

Sarah, Brian & Trent said...

That is so cute! Sometimes it's so amazing what those kids of ours are thinking about. You don't think they have a clue and then all of a sudden they prove you wrong.