

Monday, November 03, 2008

"I go poop!"

I don't think you realize how magical those three little words are until your almost three year old says them when you ask her if she went potty on the potty all day. Music to my ears! And I tell you what, she was so very excited about it too! I am happy to report that after two weeks, Becky is almost completely potty-trained. Yeah! Thanks to a daycare that was willing to let her wear pull-ups and take her to the bathroom regularly and Gandma Donna letting her wear her panties all weekend, she had her first day with no accident. Our little baby is a big girl now who is very excited to get to wear her princess panties! I'm not naive in thinking there won't be accidents, and she still wears a pull-up to bed because she wakes up wet in the morning, but it's definitley bye-bye diapers for us in this house!

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