Last Monday night, Becky and I decided to rake up some leaves to jump in. Boy, was it fun! There is just something about leaves that make everyone happy (when we're jumping in them, not raking them up!)

Becky all covered up. She said, "Not my face, because that will make me cry." Oh, the things she comes up with!
Then Al got home and got to join us. He had fun jumping up out of the leaves and scaring Becky.

The story wouldn't be complete, though, without me telling you that Al came inside while I was getting supper ready and says, "Have you seen my keys?" Oops! They fell out of his pocket while playing in the leaves. After about 10 minutes of searching with flashlights, we were able to locate them. It was really pretty hysterical. Who loses their keys while playing in the leaves? I told him, "You know I'm going to have to blog about this." He said, "I figured." At least he understands and can laugh about it with me. I think he was just glad we found them!
You have not changed in 34 years.
Sounds like everyone had fun and we even got a big chuckle about the keys. Keep having fun everyday. Maybe you guys won't have to grow up till Becky does.
Love you all.
Mom and Larry
HA HA!! Of course, its all fun and games until someone loses their keys. Glad you guys found them!
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