I'm 16 weeks pregnant. Yeah! It's been a long 16 weeks, but I finally feel like everything is going to be okay this time around. I had a doctor appointment today. Everything seems to be fine. The baby's heartbeat was between 148 and 152. It's so reassuring to hear that heartbeat! I had an ultrasound at 12 weeks and everything looked fine then as well. I have been a little hesitant to post about it, but I'm afraid there's no denying or hiding it anymore! As you can see, I'm starting to get a little bump. I'll go to the doctor again in 4 weeks. Right now, however, things seem to be going really well.
Congrats! We are so excited to have another niece or nephew. These babies will be almost the same age difference as Bode and Becky, crazy. Glad things are going well.
We are so excited. We will have 2 new grandchildren this year and we can hardly wait. I know they will both be beautiful babies and love by their parents and grandparents very much.
Mom and Larry
Grandma and Grandpa
yea, congrats!!
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