

Monday, May 31, 2010

24 weeks

Had a doctor appointment on Friday. I got to drink the stuff for the glucose test. Yuck! If I don't hear from them by Wednesday, everything is fine. The doctor said since I didn't have any trouble with my last pregnancy, it was pretty unlikely I would this time, unless I was really high last time but still passed. Baby's heartbeat was 140. Blood pressure was good and I measured where I should. So glad everything is going well. One more four week appointment at 28 weeks, and then I start going every two.
I am already pretty swollen, which I don't remember experiencing this early last time. The doctor said that with the summer being hot, I should just exepct it. I think I am also having a little tingling in my hands and feet at times (carpal tunnel). The doctor said, yes, I probably was, and it would go away about two weeks after I had the baby. Yeah! Sounds like I'll be having a fun summer :)
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1 comment:

holly said...

Ugh...the carpal tunnel is the worst! I had that at 6 months will Isabelle. I think it finally went away about a month afte I had her. Not fun! Yep, this heat is going to be super fun....!