

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Stewarts visit from Florida!

 Brenda, Stew, Bode, and Boone flew into Des Moines on Friday.  We got to spend some time with Brenda and the kids on Friday night.  Becky was so happy to see Bode.  They had a blast playing at the swimming pool at the hotel, eating at McDonald's, and playing at the park.  Here are a few highlights.

 Grandpa's lap

 getting to hold Boone!

 I even let Al have a turn!

 Grandpa and Grandma and their grandkids.  Pretty decent picture for as tired as they were from all the running!

 I know Becky would have loved to hold Boone as she kept walking up to him and touching him and making sure he was okay.  However, she was so excited to see Bode and play with him that there was absolutely no time to take a break and sit down!

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