Oh my gosh! I can't believe that MY LITTLE BECKY RAE is going to be a year old in a month. It just doesn't seem possible! I don't know how this year has gone by so quickly. It sure seems like it has been only a couple months since she was born. Not a whole lot new to report this month. She is starting to walk holding onto things, and she likes to push the little walker toy at day care. She has been a little clingy to Mommy lately. We hope it's just a phase. She even cried when Al dropped her off at day care on Thursday. She hasn't done that in forever. He was running late too, so he had to leave her there crying, and he's never had to do that before! It was a rough morning for them both!
1 comment:
hannah had an outfit just like becky's! it is hard to believe she will be one next month! time does fly when you have kids!!
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