We had a pretty nice weekend. Ran around Saturday and got some last minute things for our trip to California. Can't believe Becky and I are leaving on Thursday! On Sunday, we had several visitors. We got to see Dad and Patti, Donna, Larry, and Grandma Willie, plus Stew, Brenda, and Bode. Even got to see Sean and Jennie and meet Tate. What a cutie! Of course I was busy chasing after Becky and hardly got to hold Tate. Next time I'll be sure I get him a little longer! It was great to see Doug and Heather and Sydney too. We are so blessed to have such great family and friends in our lives.
Yesterday was a little hard on me. I cried for about an hour in the morning. Had to mentally relive the day that changed my life forever five years ago. After I got done feeling sorry for myself and feeling sad that Becky would never get to know her Grandma Becky, I started thinking about everything I have that I am thankful for and about how blessed I truly am. While my mom may no longer be with me, I have many other people who care about me and my family. Everyone has stepped up to try and help me feel her loss less. For that, I am grateful. While I miss Mom every day, I know that she would be so proud of Becky and all that she has accomplished in just this one very short year (can't believe it's been that long!), and that she would be proud of Al and I too and how much we have grown over the past five years. I just hope and pray that I can be good and decent like she was and get to heaven to see her again someday. What a glorious occasion that will be for me!
Hope all of you have a wonderful Halloween and don't eat as much candy as I have!
I posted a bunch of pictures from the weekend on Shutterfly. If you want to visit the link, go to aljosjohnson.shutterfly.com.
I can't believe it's been 5 years since your mom has been gone. That was just Sunday, I knew it but got caught up in the weekend events. I so wish that she were here to enjoy all of the wonderful times your family has had and all the new additions to your family. She was such a good person and great example of a mother, wife, daughter, friend and woman. She changed a lot of lives in her short time here and I was glad I knew her. Becky will never meet her, but that does not mean she will never know her. She will know her through you and your families wonderful memories and stories.
Josie, I can't even imagine how you feel and how you get through it. You are a wonderful woman and an amazing person and I know exactly where it comes from! Hopefully after the tears, there were smiles remebering her life which was what made her death so hard. I love you and I hope you are doing ok.
Have a wonderful trip and I'm sure Becky will do great.
Josie, I haven't felt the type of pain that you feel from the loss of your mother, but know that I am praying for you. When I feel pain that I feel like won't go away, I pray for God to take that pain away from me and ask him to carry that burden for me and He does. Lean on Him and you can get through anything. I never knew your mother, but have heard great things. Although Becky won't get to meet her grandmother in this life, she will get to meet her someday in heaven and you will all have eternity to "catch up" together! :)
It was so good to see you guys the other night and have you meet Tate! Hope to see you again soon!
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