

Friday, September 10, 2010

39 weeks

Here is me at 39 weeks. 3 days to go! Went to the doctor yesterday. Everything was fine. I am measuring right at 39 weeks. Baby's heartbeat was 148. Doctor said it sounded like a happy baby in there. The doctor listened to my heart and lungs and said everything sounded good. Shouldn't be any problem with surgery.
My doctor was out of the office today so I didn't get a call for what time my surgery would be on Monday. The nurse did tell me yesterday that the hospital would call me on Sunday to go over details and to let me know what time I needed to be there. She also called them yesterday and it looked like I would be the first surgery. So the upside of that is I will have this baby by 8:30 on Monday morning! The downside is I have to be at the hospital by 5 or 5:30. Oh well. I'll have some time to rest in the hospital, I'm sure. Looking forward right now to laying low this weekend and watching the big game. Go Cyclones!
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Anonymous said...

I'll keep you in my prayers for a safe arrival of baby. Let us know how it goes!

littlefamily said...

yay, can't wait to find out what you are having!!

holly said...

Here's my prediction: Girl, 7lbs, 13oz...I'm so excited for you guys!

HalAshton said...

Thoughts and prayers for you big day tomorrow. I'm with Holly: girl 8lbs 8oz.

The Baumgartens