Here is a picture of our new family of four. Introducing Colby Ray.
Colby was born on Monday, September 13, 2010, at 7:35 a.m. He weighed 8 pounds 4 ounces and was 20 3/4 inches long.
Here is Big Sister Becky singing a song to Colby. She's already pretty smitten with him!
Daddy and Colby getting in some cuddle time.
Here is our precious little guy!
Here he is all ready to go home.
Becky couldn't wait to get her hands on him as soon as we got home. She is going to be such a good big sister. Could we be any luckier?
Whew! What a long week it has been! Al and I left for the hospital at 5 a.m. on Monday morning. Everything went well. My C-section even happened a little bit early. Colby was born at 7:35. I did great with surgery. Colby did okay, but he swallowed a ton of fluid before he came out. In fact, the doctor said when he took him out, "Whoa! That's a lot of fluid!" The nurses quickly took him away to begin assessing him. Al went over to observe. He got some great pictures, of course. He got to cut off a little bit of the cord again too, which is pretty cool. Poor little Colby just couldn't get rid of all the fluid in his lungs. They kept making him cry to try to get it out, and there was just so much. He wasn't necessarily in distress, he just was full of fluid. I went back to the room and Al stayed with Colby until they took him to the nursery. I did not get to see him until 3 p.m. Talk about torture! Luckily Al, Becky, Larry, and Donna were able to go see him in the nursery. They assured me that he was doing fine. He seemed to be okay, but every time they "messed" with him, his heart rate was increasing. They didn't want to cause him any stress. They did bring him down about 3 and I got to see him and cuddle him. I started nursing then too. (I had pumped once so they could see how he would do with eating. He did fine.) After that, things went pretty smoothly. Colby's temperature was a little elevated the first day and they were worried about that. Once they started leaving the hat off and only swaddling him in one blanket, he was just fine. I told the nurses I wasn't surprised. He kept me hot for nine months! We were supposed to come home yesterday, but I developed redness around my incision late Wednesday night. They started me on IV antibiotics. I had to stay another day to do a full dose of treatment. The redness looks much duller today and not so warm to the touch. The doctor finally released me to go home. And then we just about ran out of there! Colby's doctors were a little relieved he got to stay an extra day. He had lost about 10 percent of his birth weight before my milk came in. Duh! Anyway, my milk came in yesterday and he gained 4 ounces. That made them happy. He doesn't have to go back to the doctor until his two week check. I've got to go back in a week to check my incision and make sure there's no infection. Well, that's gonna be it for a while. I'll try to get all the pictures on Shutterfly soon. Now I need to go pay attention to my two kids! Thanks to everyone who came to visit and all the prayers.
congrats Josie!! he is handsome!
Love you all so much, and I can't believe it will be 6 more weeks until I get my hands on him, and his big sister, of course! Congrats again. Take care and I'll be talking to you soon. We may have to Skype soon.
We are so happy for you guys! Wish we could had made it to Des Moines to see and steal the little guy :)
The Baumgarten's
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