

Sunday, May 01, 2011

first tooth!

Colby got his first tooth!  He was having some trouble sleeping last night, but crying not so much like his ears were hurting but something else. I put my finger on his gums, and could feel the ever so slight ridge of a tooth.  I gave him some Orajel (which he hated but today has come to love), and he was better.  I could not see the tooth last night, but this afternoon you can definitely see it poking through.  I didn't even attempt to get a picture of the tooth.  (Okay.  You obvioulsy know I did try, but this is what I got instead.  Maybe when it gets a little bigger, he will let me photograph it.)

In other Colby news, the medine he was on when we got back from Florida did not work to clear up his ear infection, so back to the doctor we went.  He ended up getting two different doeses of antibiotic shot.  When he went in for the second one, the ears did not look any better.  We went in for a recheck of the ears a few days later.  The infection appeared to be gone, but the fluid was still there and it was thick.  So.... we are going to see the ENT tomorrow.  The concern with the fluid staying there is it will most likely just become infected again, and, more importantly, it can affect his hearing.  So we will go see what the ENT has to say.  We are going to the same ENT who did Becky's tubes.  Lord knows tubes was the best thing we could have ever done for her.  We'll see what he says about Colby.

Becky is doing well.  Not much to report about her.  That girl loves being outside and has been enjoying some of the nice weather we've been having.  She has been busy at dance getting ready for her recital in June and in church choir getting ready to sing songs on Mother's Day.

Al and I celebrated our anniversary on Friday.  11 years!  We actually went out to a restuarant by ourselves.  Then we went to Target.  Maybe not quite so romantic, but it was nice to be together without the kids anyway.  I'm so blessed to be able to continue to fall more in love with my husband every day.  He is truly my best friend, and I can't imagine my life without him in it.

1 comment:

Chris/Stew; Brenda said...

Yeah Colby! And Happy Anniversary to you guys! We like to go to Target on date nights too, funny. Hope they get Colby's ears better or you know the tubes will.