

Thursday, May 05, 2011


Colby got tubes put in his ears today.  He did very well.  The hardest part was waiting until after the procedure to let him eat.  I did give him a bottle at 11:30 last night so he wouldn't be quite so hungry. The surgery was performed at 8:30 this morning.  He was back in my arms by 8:45 and nursing.  Everything went really well.  The ENT said there was a lot of pretty nasty fluid in there, so we have to keep doing drops now for 7 days.  (they usually have you do it for  3 or 4.)  If I had any reservations about Colby getting tubes, they went away last night when he was screaming and would not sleep, and of course I couldn't give him any medicine or nurse him because it was after midnight!  We came home after the surgery and took a nap.  Colby was a little fussy and clingy throughout the afternoon, but I didn't mind sitting and holding him.  That's what I had the day off for!  After Colby woke up from his second nap, he was all smiles.  He sat on the floor and played for close to an hour.  So glad to have our happy little baby boy back! 
 On a side note, he didn't even cry when we put the drops in his ears.  Becky used to scream and fight. Colby just laid there and let us do it.

 Here is Becky painting her treasure chest she got for Christmas.  She has been begging me to let her do it for a while, so tonight was the night!

1 comment:

Chris/Stew; Brenda said...

In those pictures with a big open mouth smile, he looks like Becky when she was that age! Glad to hear he's doing good. Have a great weekend.