

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

State Historical Building

When Monte was in town the last weekend in July, we visited the State Historical Buidling in the East Village.  It was a good time.

Becky was terrified of this bear, but I got her to smile anyway. She thought it looked pretty real.
 Posing in the Indian Hut.  This is one of five pictures we took with it.  She thought it was the coolest thing!
 Colby slept through most of the visit.
 such a poser!
 Al "carrying" water buckets like they did in the Old Days.
I was too short to even get them off the ground.  Imagine that!
 Colby woke up at the end long enough to look around a little.
 Becky took some pictures at the end of the day.
 This model of 801 Grand was built with 44,000 legos!
 Monte and Becky checking out the history of a mammoth.
 mammoth - just like Peaches (from Ice Age) Becky said
 Becky and Al

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