

Sunday, November 07, 2010

promised pictures

Here are a few pictures from last weekend in Spencer.  Bode DID NOT want me to take his picture, but I'm too sneaky for him!
 Becky and Bode watching a movie
 Boone.  What a cutie!

Boone and Colby.

 I just love how smiley Boone is! His legs did not stop kicking.  He is such a happy little boy.

Emma, Boone, Becky, Bode, and Colby
Aunt Brenda, Bode, and Colby
We had a nice time hanging out with the boys and getting to visit with Brenda, even if it was only for a short while.

This weekend was pretty busy.  Yesterday Becky and I went shopping for a couple hours while Al was ripping out the floor in our bathroom.  Then we spent a couple hours replacing the floor.  Today was spent in the yard raking up and bagging leaves.  Thank goodness for the gorgeous weather!  I didn't get any pictures today. Colby's scrapbook is going to be so much thinner than Becky's.  Maybe because he's a boy, he won't even think a thing about it!

Here is one picture I snapped this week. I thought it was cute that Chewie was hanging out by Colby after we had gotten home.

1 comment:

Grandpa and Grandma said...

We sure are missing that little Colby and Becky. Seems like we have not seen you even as much a usual. Colby is growing so fast we will never be able to keep up with him. We are looking forward to our trip next weekend for Becky's Birthday. Can' wait.
Mom and Larry