

Saturday, November 06, 2010

where has the week gone?

Gosh, this week sure has flown by.  Why is it when you're working they go so slow, yet when you're home and dreading going back to work, they fly by?  Anyway, we had a great weekend last weekend hanging out with Bode and Boone while they were here for their visit.  I will try to get a few pictures from that posted sometime this weekend. Otherwise, all is well.  I did take Colby to the doctor today.  He was pretty fussy last night and couldn't seem to get comfortable when he was laying down. We spent most of the night dozing off and on in the recliner.  Not the best, I know, but I had to get some sleep!  I immediately remembered Becky and all her ear infections.  Since he was congested, I decided to take him to the doctor.  His ears looked fine.  He is congested so we need to keep an eye on it, and he did have a slight fever.  Basically nothing we can do because he's so little.  I put a blanket under his mattress to keep his head a little elevated so there wouldn't be so much drainage pressure, have the vaporizer going in the room, and put Vics on his chest.  He's been asleep in his bed for a half hour now.  Let's hope he sleeps a good chunk of the night.  Now I just need to get to bed too!

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