

Monday, January 16, 2012

Christmas Day

We had a great Christmas Day. It was nice to be at home and just play with our new toys.

I love the look of Becky in this one. Do you think Santa brought her what she wanted?
Colby was very excited about his ball popper. So much so, it was at least 10 minutes before we could even get him interested in looking through his stocking!
Lifesaver book. Yeah!
Love my new hat!
handing out presents
getting ready to open presents. is that princess one for me?
still lovin her LaLaLoopsy!
playing in the tent
Colby had fun crawling in and out
just being silly
now there's more room for them!
Al and I were super excited about getting the kids this tent, because they LOVE to put blankets on the card table and play in their "tent." We were so disappointed in its size, and have returned it to the store with promises to Becky of Mommy making her a tent to put over the card table so there is actually room for her to sit up in it. (How I'm going to find time to do that or even the skill is beyond me! I did find some great tutorials and tips online, so I'll give it a go. I'll be sure to let you all know how that turns out!)

Anyway - we really did have a nice day. We managed to make it to church that morning to celebrate Jesus. He is the Reason, after all. Then we just played with out new toys some more and took naps. All that excitement so early really wore us out!
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