

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve, we got to go to my Aunt Ginny's house in Mt. Ayr to celebrate Chirstmas with Mom's family.  We haven't been able to do that in a few years, so it was nice to get to go and see everyone. We had a really nice time.

Here are the grandkids - minus the California ones, of course!
Becca holding Tatum, Becky holding Colby, Kaitlyn holding Alba
Colby was about ready to have a meltdown, so he got to open his package from us

Becky saw it and was mad, so she got to open hers too

Then she was mad it was pajamas. You think she would have that figured out by now! I've only done it every year since she was born. :)

Kaitlyn reading a story (Becky not wanting Kaitlyn to get all the attention)

Grandpa and Grandma doing their little program.

So much fun.  Love it!
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1 comment:

littlefamily said...

looks like fun!! Melissa's kids are adorbale!!