

Monday, October 30, 2006


Here are some pictures we took this weekend and tonight for Beggar's Night. Becky wasn't crazy about the costume, but she was a trouper and let us put it on her a couple times anyway! A big thanks to Aunt Dawn for letting Becky borrow the elephant costume that Mom bought for Kaitlyn. It sure helped to make it a special Halloween for me. I am sure Mom never thought she would have three beautiful granddaughters who would all be able to wear the costume, but I know she would be so proud!

We had a pretty nice weekend. Ran around Saturday and got some last minute things for our trip to California. Can't believe Becky and I are leaving on Thursday! On Sunday, we had several visitors. We got to see Dad and Patti, Donna, Larry, and Grandma Willie, plus Stew, Brenda, and Bode. Even got to see Sean and Jennie and meet Tate. What a cutie! Of course I was busy chasing after Becky and hardly got to hold Tate. Next time I'll be sure I get him a little longer! It was great to see Doug and Heather and Sydney too. We are so blessed to have such great family and friends in our lives.

Yesterday was a little hard on me. I cried for about an hour in the morning. Had to mentally relive the day that changed my life forever five years ago. After I got done feeling sorry for myself and feeling sad that Becky would never get to know her Grandma Becky, I started thinking about everything I have that I am thankful for and about how blessed I truly am. While my mom may no longer be with me, I have many other people who care about me and my family. Everyone has stepped up to try and help me feel her loss less. For that, I am grateful. While I miss Mom every day, I know that she would be so proud of Becky and all that she has accomplished in just this one very short year (can't believe it's been that long!), and that she would be proud of Al and I too and how much we have grown over the past five years. I just hope and pray that I can be good and decent like she was and get to heaven to see her again someday. What a glorious occasion that will be for me!

Hope all of you have a wonderful Halloween and don't eat as much candy as I have!

I posted a bunch of pictures from the weekend on Shutterfly. If you want to visit the link, go to

Thursday, October 26, 2006

eating all by herself

Since Becky always want to eat when we eat and seems to like what we're eating as long as it's in small pieces, we really let her go to town tonight. (it was bath night, of course!) She did pretty good with the banana and the veggies. Then she decided to demolish the cookie more than eat it. She sure was having fun though!

new toy!

Becky sure likes to play with the TV and stereo!

Al and I decided to get Becky a walker for an early birthday present. She sure has been having fun walking up and down the living room/dining room this week!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

11 months old!!!!!

Oh my gosh! I can't believe that MY LITTLE BECKY RAE is going to be a year old in a month. It just doesn't seem possible! I don't know how this year has gone by so quickly. It sure seems like it has been only a couple months since she was born. Not a whole lot new to report this month. She is starting to walk holding onto things, and she likes to push the little walker toy at day care. She has been a little clingy to Mommy lately. We hope it's just a phase. She even cried when Al dropped her off at day care on Thursday. She hasn't done that in forever. He was running late too, so he had to leave her there crying, and he's never had to do that before! It was a rough morning for them both!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Our weekend with my grandparents in Tingley

Becky loved playing on Great Grandma's bench. It was made for the dolls, and I'm sure she will be too heavy to sit on it next time, but she sure had fun playing with it!!

Reading a story with Great Grandma

Ready to go to church with Great Grandpa Becky and I got to see my nieces Kaitlyn and Becca too. Kaitlyn got to sing with Great Grandma.

Becca had fun dancing and singing

Becky was dancing and singing too

Then Kaitlyn and Becca tried to play together.
What a fun, relaxing weekend! Al had some friends come visit for a "male bonding weekend," so Becky and I headed south to Tinlgey to visit my mom's parents. Becky slept pretty well in her pack n play. I considered it a trial run for when Becky and I go to California in a few weeks. I think she'll be all right sleeping in there, even though it does get pretty small. She didn't nap very well though, and I'm sure there will be so much to do that naps will get overlooked. Oh well. She can sleep when we get home!

She still has just the three teeth, but she's got some pretty white gums and has been a little fussy, so we think she's working on a few more. She had an ear check-up on Friday. Everything with her tubes looks great. She goes back in six months to make sure they haven't fallen out. Her cough and runny nose are almost gone. I think we only had to wipe her nose once tonight before she went down for the night. She'll get rid of her cold just before the constant one she'll probably have all winther!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

interesting toys

Becky enjoyed playing with the cat toys this weekend. She really is into everything. After three time on Sunday of Al or I putting picture frames back, we decided toys were better. Hopefully now she won't try to climb the shelf and pull it over on herself to get what she's not supposed to have. If that's the case, we may have to put the shelf away for a while! She's just so curious! That's okay. Keeps us busy on the weekends! We wouldn't have it any other way!

playing in the leaves

Becky had a good time playing in the leaves on Saturday. The weather was so nice! As you can imagine, I took more than three pictures. I've got them downloaded to Shutterfly, and I have an album collection started. If you want to check them out, try this web site:

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

eating bananas

Becky ate some banana tonight. I decided to take some pictures because she was so darn cute, and this is what face she gave me on the first picture. She sure loves the camera. She is going to have the best scrapbook EVER!!!!

Still hamming it up for me!
All right, Mom, but this better be the last one!

another week gone by

Hard to believe another week has gone by already. It goes so fast! Here are some pics of Becky trying to catch the cats. It's so fun to watch them run!!!
Here they are trying to hide from her!!
After them into the kitchen she goes . . .