

Saturday, April 05, 2008

pooped in the potty!

Kid you not..she really did. I think at first she was just stalling not wanting to lay down for her nap, but she told Al she wanted to sit on the potty. He brought her downstairs and let her. She told him to leave the room. He did. A couple minutes later, Becky comes running out and says, "Mommy, I did it!" I went in the bathroom, and sure enough there was poop in there. Now, you think only a mom could be so proud. Nope, just after I had dumped the turd in the toilet, here comes Al with the camera! (That's a husband truly after his wife's scrapbooking heart for sure!) We decided it wasn't something we needed a picture of, even though it was a perfectly formed turd. Becky was very excited too. Kept saying, "I did it!" and clapping her hands. At least now we know she can do it!


Becky and I went to Recess in Ankeny with Julie and Drake this morning. After the kids got warmed up, they had a great time running around. If you've never been, it's great for toddler age!