

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

8 months old

Here are Colby's 8 month pics.  As you can tell, he's already become quite a little poser for the camera.

 if you look closely below, you can almost see his first two teeth
As almost another month has gone by since these were taken, Colby is doing well.  He has had a couple ear infections, but we have been able to treat those with drops.  He doesn't like them much, but it's not affecting his sleep.  We did decide to let him cry it out while sleeping.  The first day was yesterday.  He cried for two hours in the afternoon before he gave it up and took a 3 hour nap.  Last night, he was asleep within minutes.  He woke up, though, (which is why we decided to let him cry - because he would be asleep and wake up in the night and not want to go back to sleep.  This became a habit when he was having trouble with his ears).  He then cried for about 30 to 45 minutes before he fell asleep. Becky got to fall asleep on the futon downstairs while he was crying.  She thought that was pretty cool.  Hopefully it will only take a couple more nights and he will have falling asleep on his own figured out.  He did take a nap after day care tonight and only fussed for three or four minutes before falling asleep.  Othewise, he is doing well.  He is a very happy little boy, and we enjoy watching him grow.  Big sister just adores him and can't wait until he gets just a little bigger so he can play toys with her.

Thursday, May 05, 2011


Colby got tubes put in his ears today.  He did very well.  The hardest part was waiting until after the procedure to let him eat.  I did give him a bottle at 11:30 last night so he wouldn't be quite so hungry. The surgery was performed at 8:30 this morning.  He was back in my arms by 8:45 and nursing.  Everything went really well.  The ENT said there was a lot of pretty nasty fluid in there, so we have to keep doing drops now for 7 days.  (they usually have you do it for  3 or 4.)  If I had any reservations about Colby getting tubes, they went away last night when he was screaming and would not sleep, and of course I couldn't give him any medicine or nurse him because it was after midnight!  We came home after the surgery and took a nap.  Colby was a little fussy and clingy throughout the afternoon, but I didn't mind sitting and holding him.  That's what I had the day off for!  After Colby woke up from his second nap, he was all smiles.  He sat on the floor and played for close to an hour.  So glad to have our happy little baby boy back! 
 On a side note, he didn't even cry when we put the drops in his ears.  Becky used to scream and fight. Colby just laid there and let us do it.

 Here is Becky painting her treasure chest she got for Christmas.  She has been begging me to let her do it for a while, so tonight was the night!

Sunday, May 01, 2011

first tooth!

Colby got his first tooth!  He was having some trouble sleeping last night, but crying not so much like his ears were hurting but something else. I put my finger on his gums, and could feel the ever so slight ridge of a tooth.  I gave him some Orajel (which he hated but today has come to love), and he was better.  I could not see the tooth last night, but this afternoon you can definitely see it poking through.  I didn't even attempt to get a picture of the tooth.  (Okay.  You obvioulsy know I did try, but this is what I got instead.  Maybe when it gets a little bigger, he will let me photograph it.)

In other Colby news, the medine he was on when we got back from Florida did not work to clear up his ear infection, so back to the doctor we went.  He ended up getting two different doeses of antibiotic shot.  When he went in for the second one, the ears did not look any better.  We went in for a recheck of the ears a few days later.  The infection appeared to be gone, but the fluid was still there and it was thick.  So.... we are going to see the ENT tomorrow.  The concern with the fluid staying there is it will most likely just become infected again, and, more importantly, it can affect his hearing.  So we will go see what the ENT has to say.  We are going to the same ENT who did Becky's tubes.  Lord knows tubes was the best thing we could have ever done for her.  We'll see what he says about Colby.

Becky is doing well.  Not much to report about her.  That girl loves being outside and has been enjoying some of the nice weather we've been having.  She has been busy at dance getting ready for her recital in June and in church choir getting ready to sing songs on Mother's Day.

Al and I celebrated our anniversary on Friday.  11 years!  We actually went out to a restuarant by ourselves.  Then we went to Target.  Maybe not quite so romantic, but it was nice to be together without the kids anyway.  I'm so blessed to be able to continue to fall more in love with my husband every day.  He is truly my best friend, and I can't imagine my life without him in it.


Here is Becky ready to head outside on Easter morning and discover what the Easter Bunny had left for her.
 He did not dissapoint!

 Here she is with all her goodies.
 There was an Easter egg hunt at church. 
 Becky posing in her dress and bonnett.
 Becky and Colby in their Easter outfits.
 After church, we headed down to Mt. Ayr to spend some time with my family.  Here is Grandpa Cecil and Colby.
 Becky got to go on another Easter egg hunt.  Three in one day!  She hit jackpot for sure!

 Colby with Great Uncle John, just taking everything in.
 A feeble attempt to photograph all of the gereat grandkids who could be there.  Poor Colby is so outnumbered.  We need Luke to come visit so Colby won't be the only boy! (guess that would add three girls too, so not sure that would solve anything!)