

Sunday, April 28, 2013

spring is here!

You know you have those weekends where nothing seems to go right...and then you have those where the kids behave, everyone has fun, and you can call it a success? We had one of those.  We took Colby's binkys away Friday night.  He is DONE with them!  He still asks for them in the car and at bedtime, but he's okay with us just telling him they are gone.  Then he says, "I'm a big boy.  Babies have binkys."  I had been talking to him for a long time about giving them up and he was adamant that he needed them for his mouth.  He was so tired Friday night, though, that he didn't even put up a fight.  He just went to sleep.

Here is Colby playing during Becky's soccer game.  So excited to get to be outside to play this weekend.

Becky did a great job at her soccer game.  She really ran after the ball and got some kicks in.  I think it helps when the sun is shining.  Everyone seems to be more excited about playing then!

Becky giving "coach" a high-five at the end of the game.

Then the biggest news....Al taught Becky how to ride her bike without training wheels.  Yeah!  Such a big step for her, as we struggled last year and didn't have any luck.  About two hours on Saturday, and she was good. They went back to practice again today too.  She is on her little bike where her knees almost hit the handlebars, but she has good control of it and even mastered turning corners today.  Won't be long and we'll be able to ride the trails!

After nap, Colby and I went to the park to play again for a little bit.  The slides are his favorite.  

I just love his hair!  Is that a crazy boy having fun or what?

We are off tonight to listen to Becky play bells at church, and then our weekend will come to an end.  Everyone just seems to be a little happier when the sun is shining and we can be outside. So glad spring is here!

Sunday, April 07, 2013


We had a great Easter this year.  We woke the kids up early so they could go downstairs and see if the Easter bunny had found them.  They were pleasantly surprised!

Then we put jackets over our pajamas and headed outside to find the eggs that had been left around the yard.  The kids didn't seem to mind the cold or the fog.  

I wasn't able to get any good pictures of Becky because she was running around like a crazy person and would not stop for a picture.  There were eggs to find!  

All dressed up ready for church.....trying to get a nice picture of them.

They didn't do so bad.  

We had breakfast at church, then went to church, and then on another egg hunt.  

There she goes in a rush again!!!

Checking out their candy.

After church, we headed down to Mt. Ayr to go to my Grandma and Grandpa Dolecheck's for Easter dinner and Grandpa's birthday.  Another egg hunt!

Needless to say...there is way to much candy in our house, which is really bad for me.  I seem to be the only one who really eats it and I'm the one that most definitely doesn't need it!

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Becky's school program

Becky had a program at school last week.  It was called "Diary of a First Grader."  They have been learning about what it means to have a healthy body and make healthy choices.  She picked out her own workout clothes to wear.  She told me they were her running clothes.  Atta girl!

The kids did a great job. It was fun to watch. 

Every child had a speaking part, and everyone had their lines memorized.  As you can see, Becky is a natural behind the microphone!  We were so proud!
After the concert, guess where Becky picked to eat....Burger King!  We tried telling her after her program is wasn't really a healthy choice.   She agreed and then decided she didn't really care.  LOL  She was super excited when the toy was that little green guy from the Cut the Rope game.