

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Becky's 3rd birthday party

Hard to believe Becky turned three today. Those three years sure have gone fast! I took the day off to spend with her. We went to get her pictures taken and picked out a Cinderella dress for her to wear. We watched movies, played games, and frosted cupcakes to take to Chuck E. Cheese's tonight. All in all, a pretty good day.

Here are some pictures from her birthday party we had on Saturday. As you can see, she hardly had any fun or got any presents at all!
This is the Ariel cake I made for her. Other than my niece Kaitlyn telling me it did not look like Ariel, I thought it turned out okay. When I told her that hurt my feelings, she looked at it again and told me that she could see it now, she wasn't looking at it right before. Seven year olds sure have things figured out!
Becky was special enough to get two cakes! Grandma Donna made her a princess cake.
Here is Becky eating the frosting off the doll pick. I think she had two pieces of cake and just ate the frosting off of both them!Becca, Becky, and Kaitlyn on the piano bench.
playing the piano....oh what great music it was!
Becky totally crashed after everyone left, so I had to snap a picture!
Bode came back the next day to visit, and I let the two of them play the piano for a couple minutes. Oh...what fun they will someday have when they can really play it!


For Becky's birthday, I decided to redo my old dollhouse for her. I took two days off from work and was able to get it done in time to give her before her party on Saturday. The old one.....
The new one!

I think it was a hit!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

impromptu leaf jumping

One night earlier this month, it was so warm out that we decided to jump in the leaves. We were all jumping in them, but of course I only got the camera out to take pictures of Becky. We had so much fun!

Monday, November 17, 2008

first nightgown

Here is a picture of Becky in her first Little Mermaid nightgown. She was very excited to wear it. She was a little confused at first because she thought she needed pants, but once she figured out it was like a dress, she was pretty excited!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Al got to take Becky trick-or-treating this year. Becky was super excited to be able to wear her dress AGAIN. I think she wore it every night for a week when we bought it for her. I don't think Al had any fun dressing up, he just did it so Becky wouldn't feel so silly. ha! They had a great time though, and got a lot of goodies!

off they go!

carving pumpkins

Here is our pumpkin carving event this year. Becky even got her hands all dirty and pulled all the guts out herself!

Night Eyes

We got to go to Night Eyes at the zoo as a family this year. It was a lot of fun. Becky got to be Sleeping Beauty.Here is our sleeping beauty who fell asleep in the car on the way there!She soon perked up though, and we really had fun. A little dress doesn't stop a princess from going down the slide!
or from riding a tractor around the hay bales!

Monday, November 03, 2008

"I go poop!"

I don't think you realize how magical those three little words are until your almost three year old says them when you ask her if she went potty on the potty all day. Music to my ears! And I tell you what, she was so very excited about it too! I am happy to report that after two weeks, Becky is almost completely potty-trained. Yeah! Thanks to a daycare that was willing to let her wear pull-ups and take her to the bathroom regularly and Gandma Donna letting her wear her panties all weekend, she had her first day with no accident. Our little baby is a big girl now who is very excited to get to wear her princess panties! I'm not naive in thinking there won't be accidents, and she still wears a pull-up to bed because she wakes up wet in the morning, but it's definitley bye-bye diapers for us in this house!